3-1 Blog: Marketing Campaigns and SMART Goals

Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals To Get Results | PROHEALTH PHYSIO & FITNESS | Lane  Cove Physio & Fitness

What is the difference between goals, strategies, and tactics?

A goal has a broad outcome where a strategy is an approach taken in order to achieve a particular goal. A tactic is used towards pursuing an objective that relates to a strategy.

What is the importance of setting SMART goals when creating a marketing campaign? What questions should be considered?

It is important to set SMART goals when creating a marketing campaign as it helps to give clear defined goals overall on the campaign for your team to understand and follow. When outlining your goals you are able to keep track of your campaign’s success throughout the process.

Some questions that should be considered is:

What are the goals you want to accomplish?

What is the objective, tactic, or strategy?

What do you plan to achieve?

Sanity Saver: S.M.A.R.T. Goals - Explore & More Children's Museum

Provide examples to portray how marketing tactics align to strategies in order to support set goals.

Some marketing tactics and strategies that support set goals are to offer incentives such as promos or coupons via email or in-store promos and in-app discounts as well.

Other tactics include marketing ads across multiple social media platforms to increase profits and brand awareness.

Another tactic would be to promote reviews on products sold to help increase traffic and encourage trustworthiness with consumers to build rapport in a brand/company.

How can you ensure that your SMART goals are met using (KPIs)? Explain using examples to support your rationale.


Work on your KPI by giving the best info on the progress of your goals.


KPI’s should be maintained and regulated by frequently measuring on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis to stay on track.


Being responsible for the KPI helps to improve your KPI.


Your KPI should not just be realistic but also relevant as to your “why”, and should be connected to your goals.


KPI’s should help you to stay on track with deadlines and time sensitive milestones.


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